Our reliable, customized IT solutions are designed to help our clients grow their business and provide peace of mind.
Our relentless attention to detail and our seamless IT integration minimizes costly interruptions to your business as we design, develop, and deploy your next IT project.
Our managed IT services will provide you with fixed cost IT. Our clients know they can count on RieVax to provide innovative solutions and 24/7 proactive support. We are not just an IT vendor, we are your IT Team and your next IT business partner.
Developing a strategic technology plan can be difficult. A RieVaxvirtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) will formulate strategic IT goals for your company based on your business objectives. Then manage that IT strategy and IT budget helping your business succeed.
We offer custom cloud solutions from Office 365, Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google Cloud. Let RieVax take you on your cloud journey. A Rievax cloud migration will turn those unforeseeable capital expenditures to predictable operating expenditures.
Every organization is susceptible to downtime and data loss as a result of a disaster. Do you have a Disaster Recovery (DR) Plan? Have you ever done a DR Test? RieVax will help you every step of the way. Work with RieVax to get your Recovery Plan in place.
Cybersecurity has never been more critical. A security breach can cripple a business, don't be a victim. RieVax can safeguard your customer info, intellectual property, and key assets with turnkey security solutions that meet your security needs.